Saturday, January 13, 2007

Special Gift

So, I am working on a special gift for my father. Well, truth be told it is for the whole family (all though much less for me than for my mother, father and brothers, but more on that later). I am scanning old slides that my father has into our computer and I am going to make a book for him or a DVD, the end matter is less important - what is important is that I am going to be able to get him to relive his memories of our childhood - and of some of his newlywed years before kids. See, his birthday is coming up soon, and I wanted to give him something special and Brendan and I were going to buy a new printer, so we bought a new printer, scanner, etc... and it can handle slides!!!

I am so psyched - I have spent all morning scanning slides into the machine and I am still only 1/2 the way through this box and he has like 40 boxes. Needless to say - his gift will only be the starting point as I won't have the time to scan all of the boxes before his b-day, but none the less, I can't wait to see his face. Here's a sample picture!

Thursday, January 4, 2007

New Year's Resolution

So, I've done it! I have officially started the groundwork on my new store - or boutique as I am finding is the popular term. Motherhood and Apple Pie is becoming a reality. I have a business plan ing progress, I have started researching vendors, I am moving a head with a full head of steam and - I am psyched!!

I still have some issues that I need to work out. I am trying to find vendors that will drop ship so that I don't have to maintain an inventory, and I am trying to find a company to develop my website w/o breaking the bank, but other than that I am truly on my way.

I have to apply for my tax id #, but I plan on getting the paperwork together and filing ASAP! and then there is no stopping me.

I am not sure that my DH is behind me 100% on this - I think that he thought that it was a bee in my bonnet and that it would go away, but - it hasn't - two years have gone by and I am finally doing something about it.

I have met a number of women who run their own businesses, and I have tapped them for advice and reccomendations - they have been more than helpful. I have a list of products that I would like to sell and am in the process of getting the catalogs and information on retailing from the vendors.

Ahhh - so much to do, so little time, but I hope to GOD that it is going to be worth it!! Wish me luck!