Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Photo Shoot

So, darling baby girl had her first "professional" photo shoot this weekend. I use the term photo shoot sarcastically - as it was done by a young girl - all of about 17 and she was anything but professional. As she was getting the large bean bag ready for Reese her butt crack was hanging out in in full view of both my husband and I. Had that been it I probably wouldn't have been so negative about the shoot, but she just had an utter lack of professionalism from beginning to end. The only bright spot was the other employee who helped us pick out our pictures. She was much more professional and really seemed to know her job which we appreciated. But all in all - we weren't really happy w/ our experience at the famed "Picture People"...we might go try Sear's next time as I have heard really good things about their photo studio. Although what I really want is to have a photographer come to the house once she starts to crawl and catch her in action...expensive - but oh so cute!!

However, the pictures came out well. So - all in all I guess it wasn't that bad...

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Mornings with Baby Girl

So, baby girl decided that she wanted to wake up early today - which means of course that Mom doesn't get to sleep in. Since I'm Mom - that means that I am tired and now that she is napping, I can't make myself fall asleep. People always say to sleep while she is sleeping - I wish it were that easy. If I could just make myself fall asleep I would get a lot more sleep, but unfortunately, by the time she actually falls asleep, I am awake and thinking of the 100 things that I haven't had time to do.

Like right now - she was just sleeping - long enough for me to eat a granola bar and start typing this, guessed it - I just saw the eyes pop open!! I guess that 15 minutes is enough for her this morning.

Which is probably good, because I was watching My Super Sweet 16 while I was eating my granola bar and - WOW that show is horrible. If people really treat their kids like that they should be investigated by DYFS - or whatever the agency is called in their city - some of this crap is unbelievably bad parenting. I feel bad for these kids.

Anyway - I've admitted to another guilty pleasure - I like to watch what my mother calls "crap" t.v.

Got to run, baby girl is smiling at me and I can't pass up her smiles...