Sunday, March 4, 2007

Mornings with Baby Girl

So, baby girl decided that she wanted to wake up early today - which means of course that Mom doesn't get to sleep in. Since I'm Mom - that means that I am tired and now that she is napping, I can't make myself fall asleep. People always say to sleep while she is sleeping - I wish it were that easy. If I could just make myself fall asleep I would get a lot more sleep, but unfortunately, by the time she actually falls asleep, I am awake and thinking of the 100 things that I haven't had time to do.

Like right now - she was just sleeping - long enough for me to eat a granola bar and start typing this, guessed it - I just saw the eyes pop open!! I guess that 15 minutes is enough for her this morning.

Which is probably good, because I was watching My Super Sweet 16 while I was eating my granola bar and - WOW that show is horrible. If people really treat their kids like that they should be investigated by DYFS - or whatever the agency is called in their city - some of this crap is unbelievably bad parenting. I feel bad for these kids.

Anyway - I've admitted to another guilty pleasure - I like to watch what my mother calls "crap" t.v.

Got to run, baby girl is smiling at me and I can't pass up her smiles...

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