Thursday, July 19, 2007


Woah...slow down baby girl. Baby girl is growing so fast - it's crazy. The other day she learned to get down from the couch. She rolls herself over onto her stomach and slides down the couch to a standing position - AMAZING! It's so amazing to see her doing new things every day. She is just learning something new everyday.

So - the question is - how do I stop it. OK - I'm kidding...I love that she's moving along in her life - I can't wait to see what she turns out to be - and I am loving the journey. But - wow - how quick the time flies.

I am getting ready to stop nursing her - well, I don't nurse her that much anymore to begin w/ - and I only get to pump about 4 oz a day - so it's not that big a deal in the scheme of things - but its a big deal to me. I like it - I like that she can get something from me that she can't get anywhere else. I like that she knows me and what I'm for - well - one of the things that I am for.

And yes, it does get frustrating when I can't get more than 2oz at a pumping session - or that sometimes she prefers the bottle to the boob...but all in all it is just a symptom of her growing up. And that makes me sad...and happy...and sad again...

Saturday, July 14, 2007


So - I was finally able to do something that I have been wanting to do for a long time. You see - there is this woman in my office - who I just really don't like. She is condescending and rude - and I really don't think she knows what she's doing so instead she flirts with our boss - yes, our boss the man who everyone I work with is convinced is gay - I am not so sure - but that's more because my "gaydar" has failed me so often...anyway - it's besides the point - gay or not - she is flirts with him incessantly - little things like touching the arm - or leaning in too close - or just giggling tirelessly at bad jokes...but whatever - that's not why I don't like her - it doesn't make it better - but it's not why.

Anyway - the point of this post is - the other day I had asked her for her slide deck (PowerPoint) for a presentation I was pulling together. She never responded to my email - I resent the email a few days later and again no response. (I don't think that she feels the need to respond to my emails - it's beneath her)...anyway - finally she tells me she'll have it done by Friday COB - I asked for it Thursday COB - but whatever - I can be flexible. So - Friday @ 4pm I get to my desk and there it is - a hard copy with handwritten notes. We work in the IT dept people!!! COME ON!! Anyway - this is the good part - I walked over to her desk with the slide deck and said, "Blankety Blank - this looks great! Are you having trouble accessing SharePoint (where we keep the file) - she said, "no". I said, "great - then why don't you just go ahead and update the slide deck in PP and let me know when you're done." She said, "No." I said (with a huge smile on my face), "excuse me?" She said - "well if I do that - you won't have it by 5"...I said, "oh -that's fine - blankety blank - won't be able to get me his until 12 on Monday - so you're fine." She said, "OK".

If you knew me - you would know that this was a humongous show of restraint! And the sugary sweet - big smile - method of handling it worked...I might have to try it again!!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Zoo

So, we took our darling daughter to the Zoo for the first time today. The Elmwood Zoo to be exact. I had a fantasy of taking her to the big Philadelphia Zoo, but after watching her at the Elmwood Zoo I realized that the big zoo might just be too big...but I still want to go - she hasn't seen giraffes or elephants yet - and she loves when I make the elephant noise - somewhat embarrasing for me...but hey.

That is one thing I never thought I would do - I make weird animal noises in public for my daughter. Sometimes people stare - most of the time I am not embarrased - but sometimes...sometimes it is just plain silly to see a grown woman hooting like an owl. :-)

Anyway - this week was big too because darling daughter officially started crawling this week. She started slow with a weird kind of bent leg in the front crawl - too hard to describe - but moved on to the real right knee left knee crawl. It has changed our world. No more leaving her to play on her own - nope - now everything has to be watched and watched CAREFULLY. At the zoo she got a rock in her mouth - my fault - I just wasn't paying close enough attention. It was scary - but a reminder that I have to get ready for more of that as we move forward.

I have to go take a nap now - because on top of it all - she's teething and hasn't made it through the night in over a week - which of course means that I get to sleep in a chair in her room...what joy! :-)