Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Zoo

So, we took our darling daughter to the Zoo for the first time today. The Elmwood Zoo to be exact. I had a fantasy of taking her to the big Philadelphia Zoo, but after watching her at the Elmwood Zoo I realized that the big zoo might just be too big...but I still want to go - she hasn't seen giraffes or elephants yet - and she loves when I make the elephant noise - somewhat embarrasing for me...but hey.

That is one thing I never thought I would do - I make weird animal noises in public for my daughter. Sometimes people stare - most of the time I am not embarrased - but sometimes...sometimes it is just plain silly to see a grown woman hooting like an owl. :-)

Anyway - this week was big too because darling daughter officially started crawling this week. She started slow with a weird kind of bent leg in the front crawl - too hard to describe - but moved on to the real right knee left knee crawl. It has changed our world. No more leaving her to play on her own - nope - now everything has to be watched and watched CAREFULLY. At the zoo she got a rock in her mouth - my fault - I just wasn't paying close enough attention. It was scary - but a reminder that I have to get ready for more of that as we move forward.

I have to go take a nap now - because on top of it all - she's teething and hasn't made it through the night in over a week - which of course means that I get to sleep in a chair in her room...what joy! :-)

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