Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Cloth vs. Disposable

Yes, I use cloth diapers. No, I don't wash them myself, I have a diaper service. Is it obvious that I have gotten some amount of grief about the use of cloth diapers. Is it obvious that my mother-in-law how I love dearly is anti cloth diapers. Yeah well, I am still using them - and the daycare even said that they would take her w/ cloth diapers so I guess that's a sign of the times.

I am not sure that I like cloth diapers - sometimes I think that using disposables would be easier - sometimes I think they have the same level of difficulty - it depends on the day. The only thing I don't like is having to put on the vinyl panties - today I forgot and while we were sleeping she peed on her pants - I woke up to a warm hand - I guess it could have been worse - but all because I was to tired to remember to put on her vinyl panties. That and the fact that she doesn't like to be wet - so you have to change her more than if she were wearing disposables.

Sometimes I want to cheat and put her in a disposable at night - but I truly believe that it is better for the environment so why would I believe that and yet put her in a disposable? Better question is why do I feel like that would be cheating? Who do I think I would be cheating? Who do I think would be mad at me if I put her in a disposable? I know that darling husband doesn't care, so why do I?

No clue - but I am going to continue using cloth diapers - so get over it people - it really isn't that big a deal!

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