Sunday, December 10, 2006

Becoming a Joiner

Before I was a mother I rarely joined any group that wasn't work related. In the 7 weeks since I have become a mother I find myself looking for groups to join. The groups I am interested in are typically groups of women talking about their kids. It never occurred to me prior to gaining the title of Mom that I would want to talk to other women about their kids - but I have found it to be helpful.

I have joined one group in particular - Main Line Mom's - on Yahoo - that I find fascinating. There are about 50 or so women - all from the Main Line - who get on line and post comments, questions and concerns relating to their children, motherhood, etc. I really enjoy seeing that other people are having the same issues that I am having - and I also like the fact that I now know 50 other women w/ children that I can call on when I have an issue or concern.

However, interestingly enough - I have found that this group of women - like most groups that I have associated with - has its issues with being nice to each other. In response to a post that one woman put up regarding breastfeeding - granted she is breastfeeding her 2 year old, but what business is it of mine if that's what she wants to do - one woman wrote - put your tit back in your bra and try sleeping with your husband - or something to that effect. I couldn't believe that someone would post something like that to another person who was honestly looking for help, guidance, etc. I found it interesting that women - even in the virtual world would behave like that towards each other.

Alas - after talking about this with many of my female friends, I find that most of them are not surprised that this occurs both in the cyber and real worlds.

If you ask me - that's just sad.

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